Sunday, May 29, 2011

On the road again!

T-minus 17 hours...
The past couple of weeks have gone a slightly different direction than I'd thought, so I apologize for the delay!

On a positive note, since I last posted, God has faithfully added partners to my prayer and financial teams and I am at 30% my monthly budget of $3000. That is an increase of more than 2% per week! I look forward to how He will continue to develop the rest of my team as I follow Him in faith to begin my call in Oregon.

Have you ever been praying faithfully, wondering why God wasn't showing you an answer?! I'd been praying this spring for God to confirm when I should leave to start staffing at YWAM Salem and just didn't see a clear answer. In mid-May, with a friend's guidance, I allowed myself to consider that maybe God didn't "care" when I went, that the important thing was that my heart was in the right place and my hope in HIM.....not the control I felt I had or the visible finances coming through.

Since I left Oregon last November, I knew God was calling me back to Salem to continue the work He'd begun there. I specifically have a heart for discipleship, training, and cultures/languages. The Salem, OR Youth With A Mission campus has a mission to Inspire, Train, and Go. Sounds a lot like what God's placed on my heart!

I had a positive trip to Emporia and Osage City last weekend, visiting friends and family who have supported me in this journey. I feel very blessed I had that time with them. This week has been spent packing and saying "see you later" to my friends in the Wichita area. What a wonderful treat (the time with friends, not the packing ;))

I leave tomorrow morning (Monday, May 30) for the 3-day trek to Oregon, solo this time. I'll miss my travel buddy, but will try and treasure the 8-10 hours "alone" time in the car each day (aughh!).

When I arrive Wednesday or Thursday, I'll jump right into this summer's responsibilities. Last summer, I received training through Crossroads Discipleship Training School (CDTS) on the YWAM campus, specifically designed for adults who are sensing God's call on their lives to make Him known to the nations. This is a little different from the stereotypical "Youth" With a Mission bunch of 18-24 year olds. ;) What that means is some will bring children who are preparing to be missionaries alongside their parents, wherever God calls them.

I'm excited to announce that this summer I'll be working with these children in a daily class called "Children of Destiny" (COD), mentoring them in the same concepts their parents are learning. We'll learn about hearing the voice of God, spiritual warfare, and similar topics, in a way that applies to their lives. What an answer to prayer! I'd enjoyed substitute teaching this spring, and had been asking God how He'd help me transition from this area...I'd really be missing it a little! He's so good to provide when we relinquish control! It's not where I thought I'd be ministering this summer, but God knew just what He was doing!

I don't want to take all your Memorial Day weekend with this update, so I look forward to being in touch soon! I'll try and update facebook each night this week to let you know I've arrived safely at my destination. :)

Partnering in Prayer
* Safe travel Monday-Wednesday/Thursday.
* My heart to remain faithful to God and His voice.
* For God to be preparing the hearts of the young people I'll be working with in the COD class this summer.
* For God's provision as I continue to work with His guidance to develop prayer and financial partners for His work.

Partnering in Praise
* Treasured time with friends and family in the last few weeks
* Continued weekly increase nearing the budget for this ministry
* A specific role working with children this summer that brings joy to this teacher's heart :) and meets a need for missionary families.

Thank you all for your love and support! I pray that God is drawing you near to Him today and that you experience His presence this week in abundance!

In Him,

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