How little did I know what an appropriate name this would be when I started my blog. One of the biggest lessons God taught me over the last five months was how to follow Him one step at a time. This meant stopping trying to manage every decision, every plan, trying to have everything figured out. I thought I’d learned that lesson as I slowly lost or let go of so many familiar things over the last couple of years, but He had more to show me…
One step at a time
God wanted to show me that when I let Him lead completely, it brings a lot more peace. Examples…As I used money wisely and let Him take care of my needs, He’d do that…and often bless me with more (in time with loved ones, with “extras” above my need, etc). Or when I dug into teaching again in India, He’d provide the support and boundaries I needed to not get overwhelmed. Or even when I returned to Wichita, dealt with health issues, and tried to take care of them myself by going a little OCD overboard :), God provided the people, emails, and stories I needed to remind me HE is leading, HE is in control, and He cares even for these little things. They’ll go so much smoother when I step back, listen to His voice, follow just that, and enjoy this ride I’m on.
Taking one step at a time. I'm not in this picture ~ I couldn't find one with me in it, but I promise I was there. ;)
God provided me a picture-perfect illustration of His step-by-step leading our last week in India. It had rained something fierce, leaving a normally swampy area completely flooded. We needed to cross that area to minister at church that morning! As I hiked up my pants and started step-by-step on the rocks each placed a stride apart, someone said “Amy, you look like you’ve done this before!” I smiled to myself and had a giggle with God; I don’t know that I’ve ever crossed a flooded field in dress pants or a dress, but I do know I follow Him on this journey step-by-step, not turning to the right or left, keeping my eyes on wha
t He has before me. In this case, it was the next rock! A year and a half ago, it was selling my house. A year ago, it was applying for Discipleship Training School. Now, the next step is returning to Oregon to pursue what God has placed on my heart: discipling others.
When I was repeatedly asked to teach English classes in India, I got frustrated. I told God, “I thought we both agreed classroom teaching is not for me right now!” Since I genuinely believed this, I asked Him what He meant by having me teach so much. He answered me with a string of opportunities to preach! I enjoyed these opportunities, as I learned to seek God for what He wanted to say to the group I was visiting. He reminded me also, through books and conversations, about leadership. Since middle and high school, I’ve enjoyed being part of leadership, but found I didn’t like being president, or the one in charge of a group. During CDTS, He’s used books, friends, and mentors to show me more effective leadership, and perhaps part of my frustration through the years when I’ve lead.
When I was repeatedly asked to teach English classes in India, I got frustrated. I told God, “I thought we both agreed classroom teaching is not for me right now!” Since I genuinely believed this, I asked Him what He meant by having me teach so much. He answered me with a string of opportunities to preach! I enjoyed these opportunities, as I learned to seek God for what He wanted to say to the group I was visiting. He reminded me also, through books and conversations, about leadership. Since middle and high school, I’ve enjoyed being part of leadership, but found I didn’t like being president, or the one in charge of a group. During CDTS, He’s used books, friends, and mentors to show me more effective leadership, and perhaps part of my frustration through the years when I’ve lead.
What do all of these things mean?! That’s what I asked God. Throughout our outreach, He’d shown me and others many verses about waiting on the Lord. I was doing that in a number of ways, but believed it was time to take steps toward what I’d do after outreach.
Receiving my certificate at CDTS graduation
To GO...
Throughout this process, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the Great Commission. God’s placed within me a desire to GO (perhaps for short stints throughout my life), a part of Matthew 28:19-20 that’s often emphasized. But now I understand the rest a little better:
“…and make disciples of all the nations (people groups), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Wherever I am, I have a call on my life to make disciples, teaching them to observe everything Jesus has commanded. And He’s given me (us) a great promise…to be with us as we do it! For the next two years, this means returning to Salem, OR upon acceptance to the YWAM campus there. My desire is to disciple others through Discipleship Training Schools, as well as other areas of staffing, like Hospitality. I also hope to learn new skills while there, like bookkeeping, to prepare me for other opportunities to serve and disciple later in life. This position will again be support-based. In the weeks and months ahead I'll update more about how you can partner with me in prayer or financially. In the meantime, you can continue to use the contacts to the right or my email (
Wherever I am, I have a call on my life to make disciples, teaching them to observe everything Jesus has commanded. And He’s given me (us) a great promise…to be with us as we do it! For the next two years, this means returning to Salem, OR upon acceptance to the YWAM campus there. My desire is to disciple others through Discipleship Training Schools, as well as other areas of staffing, like Hospitality. I also hope to learn new skills while there, like bookkeeping, to prepare me for other opportunities to serve and disciple later in life. This position will again be support-based. In the weeks and months ahead I'll update more about how you can partner with me in prayer or financially. In the meantime, you can continue to use the contacts to the right or my email (
Thanks for coming alongside me as I learn to always take the next step God provides. I pray you are challenged to do the same, and look forward to continuing on our journeys together. (Picture below ~ my first horse ride (!) India)
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