Saturday, November 20, 2010


Thank you for being patient! In the past three weeks, I said good-bye to India and friends made there, spent a week of debrief and graduation (and saying good-bye / see you later) in Salem, OR, and made the long trek home to Wichita, KS (2800 miles this time) for the holidays. My body’s revolted a little along the way (just sinuses mostly, thank goodness!), and I’m adjusting to the temperature and time changes as I go.

Ministry in India
The last time I wrote, we’d just begun work in our last city in India – Chennai (Madras). We never knew at the beginning of the trip that God would take us on a 3+ city tour of India during our time there! Chennai, a coastal city, was hot and humid, but a little more bearable than Trichy, as our bodies and lifestyles were adjusting.
One part that helped our adjustment was our team’s commitment to 24/7 prayer. We’d talked about it earlier in the trip, but didn’t get it going until the last 9 days of October. With some of us waking up for midnight shifts or adding it as another “task” to the day, a person would think we’d be more tired, but God honored us with increased energy to fulfill His will during the last leg of this outreach.
Days here were filled with many things, but mostly “open-air” outreaches and prayer walks. Open-airs allowed us to sing songs, share the gospel via an Indian, and pray for those who gathered. At one open-air, a Hindu priest’s daughter came to be prayed for, and the priest stood at the entrance of his temple (just half a block away) and just observed us. This is a miracle—Christians have been beaten in this same intersection! On our last day of planned ministry, God healed at least two who came for prayer. The picture above is from this day (I'm in leopard-print, back turned to camera). One man had not spoken for three years since falling from a roof and uttered Hallelujah and other phrases this day. Another young lady came not able to move her arm, and left able to raise and lower it. Praise God! I continue to pray for the healing of many who came to us, spiritually and physically.

Debrief and Graduation (Salem, OR)
I spent November 6-November 12 in Salem, OR, just like training, this time debriefing as a team. We took time to share what was on our hearts and give it to God, allowing Him to do the work as we continue to remember those we’ve met in prayer. We prepared for life outside the “bubble” of campus-life and ministry, talking about what we planned to do next, where God is leading us, and taking time to ask Him what He’d have us take away from this time.
For me, debrief was all too brief! :) Jet lag, a hefty cold and allergic reaction, and a little reverse culture shock made the week speed by and before I knew it, I was on my way home, promising God and myself to take my time and process with Him what I’d been through. On the trip home, I stayed with hospitable friends and family, plus a couple of nights at hotels in Arizona and New Mexico, adding two more states to the states I’ve visited (27)! Along the way, I continued to ponder what God had showed me my last two weeks in India.

What's next?!

A post in the next few days is what's next! I'm trying to write what's on my heart a little more clearly! For the shortest version, I know God's leading me to explore training and discipleship more. Check back here in a few more days for more details!

In the meantime, enjoy Thanksgiving, whatever that may bring you! I wish warmth to those who brave Black Friday at stores, and God's blessings to you all,


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