Thursday, August 26, 2010

Without a voice

The past couple of weeks, I've been without a voice, literally and figuratively! A nasty cold/infection hit several of us, making me tired, giving me a persistent cough for more than a week, and very little voice for about five days. I'm feeling much better now; please keep me and the team in your prayers for continued healing now and during outreach!
Figuratively, I've had a hard time putting my finger on where God is leading me and what He's doing in my life. Last school week (Aug 23-27) gave more of a voice to my feelings of helplessness.

Two weeks ago, we studied "Radical Discipleship". I took away two key concepts from this week. The first was a "return to the basics" of Christianity: both the root definition of "radical" AND one that fits our idea of radical = extreme. These basics focus on devotion to 1)Scripture, 2)fellowship, and 3)prayer. The second concept that stuck with me is that God is worthy of 52-card deck devotion...the whole deck! The only way we can meet all the challenges of our day is to give EVERYTHING to Him (our thoughts, decisions, emotions, worries, etc) and let Him give us and others what is needed.

Last week, we concentrated on team building. We started with a Scripture study of all the places the Bible talks about "one another" and what that looks like in reality. I encourage you to do it sometime! Then we focused on affirming all others in our group. Finally, we experienced our base's "Ropes Course" ( that helped us focus on team building in SO many ways. My personal challenge became "leadership" and how I respond to it...especially my own leadership abilities. Please join me in prayer, asking God to reveal His desire for me in this and grow into who He wants me to be.
This week, we're learning about Spiritual Warfare and Kingdom Dynamics. I'm loving its simplicity and power...more to come next week about that. The pace all around me (including me!) is picking up as we get close to outreach time ~ I can't believe it's almost here! To get a glimpse of India, please check out my friend's webpage ( when you have a chance--you'll even find some opportunities to serve or support if God lays India on your heart. He and his family pastor in India and have been called to our school for this season.
On a serious note, I want to share my need with you as I prepare to leave the country for two months. God has been SO faithful through you to provide for my financial needs on this journey. I try not to mention the need often, but it's hard for you to know of the need unless I tell you! The amount outstanding is $3000. If God has laid this need on your heart, please see the information to the right about how you can partner with me as I represent Him in India. Praise God, He knows our needs and how to meet them!
So, to sum it up...

* Healing! I'm grateful to have a voice and breath back!
* I've been learning SO much about myself and God in the past few weeks. Several significant steps have been made toward recognizing God's specific call for this next season of my life (see above).
* God's providence, emotionally, financially, spiritually, etc. He is faithful, and He is good.

* Clear direction from God during outreach as I prepare for my next step in November and beyond.
* Financial needs to be met for me and my classmates. Please specifically pray for how God will meet the financial needs of my roommate, whose fees must be paid by this Friday in order to join us for outreach.
Blessings to you!

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