Monday, July 19, 2010

And the destination is...


For those who didn't know, our team has been anxiously awaiting the announcement of where outreach would be since we applied for Discipleship Training School! Imagine a group of 18 adults and 12 children, some prepared to go to Thailand (had been a strong possibility for our group), some knowing God was preparing us for this location, and some just waiting for God's direction in the decision, not knowing where to imagine!

Today, months of waiting and uncertainty dissolved as our school director announced we'd be ministering in India, but details have not been finalized about where or what we'll be doing. As he did, I had a peace, perhaps because I finally knew where we'd spend the fall months, or perhaps because the announcement alligns with what God placed in my heart but I did not previously understand.

I'll let you know more as details are available. One huge blessing is the Indian family on our team, who can provide helpful information about culture and experiences in their nation. They are excited that God is bringing us back to their country and I have been encouraged by them while here. (see picture of Abigail and me above, while berry-picking)

Last weekend, I had a fun and relaxing time with my friends Maggie, Jodi, and her daughter Erin at a family church camp about an hour from Salem. It was a fabulous time of swimming in the river, being girly with pedicures and massages, worship, and group devotion time. Only thing is, we missed our group devotion time, so us girls decided to do something we've done sometimes "on base" here in Salem ~ each of us spend some time in prayer and the Bible asking God for a word, song, verse, encouragement for the group, then come back together and share it. As we did, God amazed us by giving us similar words and verses about His protection and how essential it is to remain "in Him" (seeking and obeying His guidance regularly; growing closer to Him in relationship all the time). For those who want to read what He gave us, check out Psalm 119:114; John 15; Jeremiah 10:12 and beyond; and Psalm 37. One particularly powerful image was a tree down by the river that had started growing sideways-it was amazing to see how, over time, God has straightened it out to be alligned with what it needs (sun, space, etc.) just as He does with us when we allow Him to.

Of course, what else could make the weekend complete w/o viewing things like banana slugs, chocolate-eating chipmunks, and little stick-bugs in the water (this was the most amazing one to me, by far :))?! And is anyone ready for the "physical Plumbline" of jumping into COLD river water because there's just no other way to get across?! ~ this tested our willingness to plunge into the "difficult" things physically like "Plumbline" classes had last week emotionally and spiritually. It was worth it, though, in both cases!

Until next time,


  1. It is amazing how God speaks to our hearts in preparation. I often receive requests for prayer, partnership and training from Christians in India.
    Now we know more how to pray for you.

  2. Very true. It is a wonderful country, as I am finding out more about it. I'll keep you posted as I know more specific needs.

  3. I am so proud of you Amy. The work of the Father in you is beautiful! Love you, Jess
