Thursday, July 14, 2011

Joys of Summer


It's incredible that we have almost finished WEEK FOUR with our students!!! One of our biggest challenges: reaching such a wide range of ages and languages with the message. But I REST and LIVE in the fact that when God is among us, HE is the one who is reaching souls and hearts; He's simply calling me to live and disciple them in that truth.

We have three 4-year olds, one 5-year old, three 7-year olds (one who speaks mostly Portuguese), 9-year old twins, a 12-year old, and 13-year old (also Brazilian, learning English)! They are a joy to work with, though, and I can honestly say "I love my job".

Week 1 was introduction, just getting to know each other. Week 2, students learned about hearing God's voice. One of my favorite memories from that week was when one of the boys said "When I hear God tell me something, I draw it". God has certainly gifted him with that, and I pray he continues to hear and follow God's voice! Week 3's topic was "Repentance as a lifestyle", where we learned about not holding bitterness in our hearts. Interesting how students had practical experience with that as our classmates hurt our feeings and we had to learn how to forgive! This week, students are learning about discipleship. From Jesus and the 12 disciples, to Elijah and Elisha, to Paul and Timothy and more, students are learning about how to lead and encourage others by example. we are encouraging each other in specific intercession (prayer), and having lots of fun with it all!


Probably one of my biggest challenges here is "living in community". I have a love/hate relationship with it! ;) Living on a thriving campus (and in a house with 5 other women, often changing every 3 months or so) gives lots of opportunities to socialize, work through conflict, and learn boundaries! I'm reminded a lot lately that I'm an introvert (need to recharge alone!), but God is growing me in the process.


As we often do in life, I battle constantly lately with wanting to be in control and letting God have full control. I'm really struggling with that one!! I'd like to know what He wants me to do, when I'm going to do it, and advance! Oh, what lack of faith. And so, through encouragement from friends and daily time with my heavenly Father, I continue on that journey to fully rest in Him and follow His lead in this beautiful dance.


Before I sign off for today, I want to let you know our team's outreach destination for approximately September 7-November 7. We are going to the Philippines!!!! This year we found out quite a bit earlier where we'll be going, so we're getting to learn a little earlier about the country we'll be ministering and growing in. The Philippines have a strong Roman Catholic influence, and their food is a combination of several different cultures...but should be more mild than my curry experiences in India last year. ;) I can't wait to share more with you and our students in the weeks to come.


Because I felt God calling me to begin ministering this summer with YWAM, I am still looking for those who are called to partner with me in financial support. If God places this ministry in the Philippines on your heart, or my daily ministry in Salem supporting, training, and encouraging other missionaries, please see the "SUPPORT" information at the right of this page, or email me at I would love to answer any questions you have!


* Continued learning by staff and students -- growing closer to God and learning what He has for us

* For me, wisdom to hear God's my interactions with friends and students, in plans for the future, everything! :)

* Staff and students will guard our quiet times with our Heavenly Father!

* One of our four-year olds just accepted Jesus into her heart this weekend!!

Thanks for following and catching up with me! I look forward to hearing from you soon, and pray that God blesses you in abundance today, that you will know the height, depth, length, and width of His love!

In Christ,


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